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Weed Man Services & How to Make The Best of Your Lawn

Nov 20, 2023

Summer email from client after several Weed Man treatments



Hi there,

I currently have the full year package with Weed Man. I have some lingering large brown and bare spots in my yard. I am interested in recommendations for addressing these areas.


Weed Man:

Dear Client,

We of course understand your concern. An account manager will go out to your property and make an assessment.


Below is what we found when we visited the property. An extreme case, however, typical of what we see on new client lawns after several initial treatments. The areas where we eliminate weeds leave behind bare spots.

Bare spot, bald lawnbare spot, bald lawn


Weed Man:

I stopped by your property to asses the lawn. The first year in our program can be a struggle as we eliminate weeds and new ones fill in the bare areas, especially during the summer heat. Annual aeration and seeding is the solution for this. Weeds will become much more manageable in future seasons as we fill in the gaps with seeding in the Fall. In the meantime, regular watering and keeping the mowing height to 4 inches will help.



Thank you for your assessment. I spoke to the technician who was out here today and he recommended the same thing. Please proceed with the aeration and seeding.


With the clients approval, we performed the aeration and seeding in the Fall. The below image is the results from this service.

full, green lawn following an aeration and seeding


Here we have Weed Man delivering on our promise of a beautiful, healthy lawn. Together we broke this weed cycle. Things looked dark in the Summer and then transformed in the Fall. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your lawn, please reach out, we are happy to help with recommendations!